Keith Haring - "KH08" This Artwork is:
THE FRAMING ALONE IS WORTH OVER $150! KEITH HARING BIOGRAPHY: Born on May 4, 1958 in Reading, Pennsylvania, he went on to pursue his dreams in New York City, becoming an influential figure in its art scene with his 80s street culture and socially conscious drawings and paintings. Hobnobbing with celebrity artists like Warhol, Basquiat, and Madonna Haring was able to use his own growing celebrity status and break through internationally, traveling as far as Australia and Rio de Janeiro and painting large-scale murals in those countries' public spaces. However, Haring's art career was short-lived. The artist fell victim to the growing AIDS epidemic and died on February 16, 1990 at the age of 31. But before he died he used his art to give voice to those who were dying from the disease. |
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